
This is the page for listening to our past sermons

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We are currently having techical issues witht the website. Will get the sermons uploaded when they find the cause. Thank you for your patience.

Please CONTACT US if you would like a copy of any unlisted sermons.
We will keep up to the previous 12 months posted.


10/1/23 “Who do you fear?” Matthew 10:26-31

10/4/23 “Acknowledging Jesus” Matthew 10:32-39

10/18/23 “Finding rest” Matthew 11:25-30

10/22/23 “Lord of the Sabbath” Matthew 12:1-8

10/25/23 “Plotting to kill Jesus” Matthew 12:9-13

11/1/23 “Prophecy fulfilled” Matthew 12:15-21

11/5/23 “Unforgivable sin” Matthew 12:22-32

11/8/23 “Watch what you say” Matthew 12:33-37

11/12/23 “Looking for a sign” Matthew 12:38-42

11/15/23 “An evil generation” Matthew 12:43-45

11/19/23 “God’s family” Matthew 12:46-50

11/22/23 “Different types of soil” Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 “

11/26/2023      “Seeing eyes and hearing ears” Matthew 13:10-17

11/29/2023      “Wheat and weeds” Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

12/3/2023        “Speaking in parables” Matthew 13:31-35

12/6/23            “Hidden treasures” Matthew 13:44-46

12/10/2023      “The End of the Age” Matthew 13:47-50

12/13/2023      “Accepting and Rejecting” Matthew 13:51-58

12/24/2023      “Choosing Men Above God” Matthew14:1-12

12/27/2023      “Staying with Jesus” Matthew 14:13-21

01/07/24          “Nullifying God’s Word” Matthew 15:1-9

01/14/24          “What is in Your Heart?” Matthew 15:10-20

1/28/2024        “The Compassion of Jesus” Matthew 15:32-39

1/31/2024        “Blind to the Obvious” Matthew 16:1-12

2/4/2024          “Rocks and Keys” Matthew 16:13-20

2/7/2024          “Deny Yourself” Matthew 16:21-28

2/11/2024        “Seeing the truth” Matthew 17:1-13

2/14/2024        “Demons” Matthew 17:14-21

2/18/2024        “Knowing the Truth” Matthew 17:22-27

2/21/2024        “Who is the Greatest?” Matthew 18:1-9

2/25/2024        “God’s Will” Matthew 18:10-14

2/28/2024        “Church Discipline” Matthew 18:15-20

3/3/2024          “Forgiveness” Matthew 18:21-35

3/6/2024          “What Does the Bible Say About Divorce” Matthew 19:1-12

3/13/2024        “What Does the Bible Say About Entering Heaven (part 2)” Matthew 20:1-16

3/17/2024        “Why Did Jesus Go to Jerusalem?” Matthew 20:17-19

3/20/2024        “Being a Servant” Matthew 20:20-28

3/24/2024        “Open Our Eyes” Matthew 20:29-34

3/27/2024        “Cheering with the Crowd” Matthew 21:1-11

3/31/2024        “Easter Message” John 3:14-21

4/3/2024          “Misusing God’s House” Matthew 21:12-22

4/7/2024          “Refusing to Acknowledge the Truth” Matthew 21:23-32

4/21/2024        “How to Answer Critics of the Truth” Matthew 22:15-46

4/28/2024        “What Caused the Destruction of Jerusalem?” Matthew 23:37 – 24:2

5/1/2024          “What are the Signs of the End of the Age?” Matthew 24:3-28

5/5/2024          “When is Jesus Returning?” Matthew 24:29-44

5/12/2024        “What Should We Do While We Are Waiting?” Matthew 24:45 – 25:13

5/15/2024        “Using the Talents God has Given to Us” Matthew 25:14-30

5/19/2024        “Are You a Sheep or a Goat?” Matthew 25:31-46

5/22/2024        “Preparing to Die” Matthew 26:1-16

5/26/2024        “Betraying Jesus” Matthew 26:17-30

6/12/2024        “Choosing Someone Other Than Jesus” Matthew 27:1-26

6/19/2024        “Not an Ordinary Death” Matthew 27:45-56

6/26/2024        “Jesus is Alive” Matthew 28:1-10

7/03/2024        “Telling Lies or Telling the Truth” Matthew 28:11-20

7/10/2024        “There is a Plan” Romans 1:1-7

7/14/2024        “What are People Talking About?” Romans 1:8-15

7/17/2024        “Are you Ashamed?” Romans 1:16-17

7/21/2024        “Is God Pleased with what People are Doing?” Romans 1:18-25

7/28/2024        “Payday is Coming” Romans 2:1-16

7/31/2024        “Practice what you Preach” Romans 2:17-29

8/18/2024        “Are we Good People?” Romans 3:1-20

8/21/2024 How can Bad People be Forgiven? 3:21-31

8/25/2024        “What do Our Actions Say About Us?” Romans 4:1-12

8/28/2024        “What is Faith?” Romans 4:13-25

9/1/2024          “What are the Results of Faith?” Romans 5:1-11

9/4/2024          “What about Sin?” Romans 5:12-21

9/8/2024          “What should We Do Now?” Romans 6:1-14

9/11/2024        “Are We Free?” Romans 6:15-23

9/15/2024        “Who is Your Spouse?” Romans 7:1-6

9/18/2024        “Why did God give Us Rules?” Romans 7:7-13

9/22/2024        “Why do We Struggle with Sin?” Romans 7:14-25



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